
Shivalik River Retreat has been known as one of the best hotels in Almora. As it offers the best room with river view in Almora, it will be the best decision for you to make a hotel booking in Almora with Shivalik river retreat. It is the perfect place to stay for any nature lover, as the place is totally surrounded by mother nature. You will get a chance to explore nature during your stay and make beautiful memories with your loved ones in Almora. This place is well known to offer the homely comfort & care to their guests and the hospitality services offered by the staff is very much appreciated by the guests. It also has a restaurant serving utterly delicious dishes to satisfy your cravings. In short it’s a perfect package for your next trip to Almora with your family and friends. So book your stay today only with exclusive offers by hotel Shivalik river retreat and enjoy your trip with your loved ones.

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